
The Journey Begins

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

― Sylvia Plath

Hey there! I’m Abby and I am under stay at home orders due to Covid-19. I am 30 years old. I want to put out the most positive we can get from this, but before we get to that there needs to be a few things said.  I feel deeply sad for anyone going through the virus,people that are scared, people that are suffering from mental health during this. I am one of those people that fall into that category. I am feeling sad for people that can not get help due to the lack of supplies we currently have,people without jobs or fears for their future, people that do not have health insurance, and loved ones that can not see each other through this social distancing. I know I am missing a lot of others but just know, because I am not mentioning it, does not mean you have not crossed my mind. THANK YOU to all of our healthcare workers, a million times, thank you. You all are superheros in every sense of that meaning. From putting in long hours, to helping the sick, to risking your own health for the sake of us. Your work will never go unnoticed. 

For the people out there that are struggling to find hope or happiness during this time, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It may be hard to believe at times, but there will be. We are all in this together and we WILL get through this. I know that we hear that all the time, but you have to believe it. We will get through this. Say it 100 times over if you have to.

Let’s get to the positives that we can take from this! Enough of this mushy stuff 😉

1) We have the most advanced technology. We have doctors, nurses, scientists and many more that are currently on this. When I say this, I mean they are attacking it. Will continue to attack it even when we go back to our day to day lives. 

2) During this time,we get the chance to be at home with the people we love. Home is our sanctuary. Children that can no longer attend school, are able to be with their mom and dad, sisters and or brothers. As a person that works in childcare I can say that a lot of children are scared, confused, and do not know what to make of any of this. Although it may be a burden for some families and I empathize for those, we are together. At the end of the day, a normal day, a really good day, or a horrible day, who do you want to see and talk to the most? Your family. Although it may be hard to see some light in this, remember, they are your world.

3) Staying home is a great way to get those tasks done that when you’re working full time, you can’t do or put off. Lets get those done! Paint job, laundry that is just piling up (my current situation), reorganizing, redecorating, gardening, deep cleaning, the list can go on and on. When this is all over, you might just WANT to stay at your very impressive home! 😉 

4) We are learning how to be creative! We are cooking, we are using our minds on how to stay active. We are learning to do things that we should have known a long time ago.

There are probably a million more positives that I can come up with but those are for now, helping me, and I hope it helps anyone reading. 

What I personally have taken from this is many things. Good and bad. I don’t know one person that can be 100 percent positive, and if there is, I would LOVE to meet you!! (or talk, seeing as, well…  self distincancing) 

The good- I am much more appreciative of things I once took for granted. I can not wait for the day when my whole family can gather and not talk through doors. I will hug each and every one of them and say those three words that some have a hard time with and that is, “I love you”. The day will come, and I am anxiously awaiting it. 

The good- Spending time with your partner. You learn more and more about them when locked in with them non stop (no this is fully not positive for anyone that is married, but we’re together through the good and the bad, right?!) You lean on your husband, or your wife, for support and comfort. During this time, more and more of that is being shown. You realize why you chose to spend the rest of your life with that certain someone. 

The good- The color blue makes me happy hence this font color is blue. Most of my house is blue, but you find out very quickly what makes you happy and or what has made you happy but you overlooked it because life happened. It is the smallest of things. Blue! I have found out that I really love writing. You find out more about yourself when you are alone with your thoughts and when the world is not in the palm of your hands. 

The good- Our furry friends who are just LOVING their parents being home. We are making their days. That alone should put a least a little smile on your face. 

The bad- which I can probably say in one paragraph. 

We are scared. We are wanting this to go away and have no exact time to tell when this will be over. We wish we did. Jobs are being taken away, and people are getting sick. There is no getting around that. There is no sugar coating either. There is nothing I can say to make that positive. The only thing that I can say is that to everyone, we will see the light. There is good and bad in everything in life. I trust we will prevail. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home. 

The next time you see your family and friends in person, in a normal gathering, hug them hard. This virus has shown us what losing someone could look like. Say encouraging words, be kind, be fair, be thoughtful, be understanding, be loving, and most of all be you. Be you in all senses and love each other for being themselves. This virus will NOT take over us. Prayers and thoughts go to each and everyone. So much love.



Times Like These.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

Hey you! I haven’t blogged in a long time! It almost feels weird, but it feels really, really, good. I hope you are all doing well, and enjoying life. The reason why I haven’t been writing is mainly because I can’t write about my experiences at home. Sure, I can talk about how I clean, what TV shows I watch, my walks, my daily “To Do” list that sometimes goes unnoticed-opps! I could talk about the conversations I have with my husband. Or the conversations I have with my mom who I talk to on the phone at least 5 times a day. I could go as far as telling you about the conversations I have with my dogs. Is that weird? Moving on, who wants to hear about those things? Not me! (Well, me. Because I had those, but you get it!)

Let’s talk about fun stuff that has happened over the last couple of months. My nephew turned ONE! His birthday was May 6th. While social distancing, my family all got to get together and celebrated him! He has turned into quite the wild one. He’s silly, funny, curious, all boy, so, SO cute, lovable, and most of all he is my Dominic- who I love with all my heart! He had the best birthday filled with CAKE! (LOTS of it) and presents galore. He’s one lucky fellow!

Mothers day came around! We celebrated! We had amazing food, we social distanced and we all were together. We talked, played games, and had the best time! We all needed it. It was a day that made us feel normal. We’re family! You need yours as much as anyone else needs theirs. With that said, I hope you were able to celebrate your mom, your grandma, anyone that takes a roll as a mother- if you didn’t get it last weekend, you’re appreciated greatly. Mom- LOVE YOU! (insert corniness right here.)

Times like these? Yeah, no one wants to talk about it. No one wants to go through it. No one wants to worry. If you have a support system, use that shoulder to lean on. Nothing in this life is rainbows and sunshine. This is a speed bump! We will get through it. If you can find even ONE thing to do during the day if you’re currently not working, do it! Love the people you are either in quarantine with, or the ones that you might see on zoom. Last night Jake and I zoomed with my sister Maggie and her husband Jake. ( No, didn’t write wrong, we both have husbands named Jake.) We played a game- and it was so fun!

Ending this because I will be frank, I’m going to go make tacos:)

We all are anxious, we all are wondering what the future holds, and we all are human. Take care and continue to keep your head up! It will all be A.O.K.

With love,


Let’s Talk About the WEEKEND!

Photo by Donald Tong on Pexels.com

Happy Thursday! Hope you are all doing very well, and keeping on! We’re experiencing such awesome weather. Sunny and warm to the point of sunscreen-Whoop whoop! Before we talk about the weekend, I want to recommend something to anyone that is trying to keep busy and make those brain juices flow during this time. Harvard University is offering FREE online courses. Some are 8 weeks, some are 12, it really just depends on what you are interested in learning about. Can I just say one more time that it’s completely FREE?! If you finish and complete with the grade that is passable, you earn a certificate that you can print out. It cost money to do so, but… hey, if you can say you learned through Harvard, print, frame, and hang that thing! I’m enrolled currently in Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice. We’ll see how it goes. Moving on to the subject at hand… the weekend!

As I’ve mentioned before, I live in Johnson County, Kansas. The forecast for the next three days is- 78 degrees, 82 degrees, and 71 degrees. In a normal situation and normal day to day life, lunch on a patio at some local restaurant may have been in the plans, maybe an outdoor happy hour, and possibly a cookout with family and/or friends. BUT, as we all are very well aware, none of those will be happening. You know what? I’m most definitely fine with that. I’m proud that we as a country are taking steps that will hopefully keep us healthy, and safe. People in general are looking out for not only themselves but others. Pretty cool.

With that being said, what are some fun things to do this weekend if you’re still going to be under stay at home orders? Lots! Let’s first start off with day plans. If you’re working remotely or working in general, you probably aren’t going to be doing lots outside tomorrow. If you have some flexibility, gardening is one suggestion. Not only does it make your place look really nice, it works the muscles. Believe me, my back, shoulders and arms were all in dire need of ice packs after my time outside. If you’re not working tomorrow, lay out. Read an interesting book. If you have kindle, there’s a million and one books out there. I recommend a long walk. With or without a dog (Or any other animal). It’s fascinating to see what a walk can do to your health in general. Physically and mentally! Cook a really good lunch and have yourself a picnic outside. Maybe it’s just for you, or maybe it’s for your kids, your husband/wife, WHATEVER… just go outside. Take in that vitamin D.

Play games! It’ll make you happy. If it’s a sit down board game, or something more active… do it! Throw that football around that has been sitting in your garage. Kick the soccer ball that hasn’t been blown up yet. Do something that challenges your body and mind.

Happy hour? Why not in your own back yard? Yes, it’s nice to be in a restaurant and get dressed up. Dress up (or don’t) and sit in your back yard. Enjoy conversation with whomever you’re with, and make a cocktail if you have the ingredients. Pour a glass of wine, or just sip whatever you might have! Water, that’s cool too! I’m here for the H20!

If you have a grill, grill out! I’ve been craving a McDonald’s cheeseburger with extra onions (no judgement please!) I’ve decided this weekend I’m going to try and replicate it. It won’t taste like it- I’m almost positive that it won’t- but, the smell of the grill, and just a burger in general is making me really excited!

This weekend, do everything that you love to do. It could even be inside. (hint hint, Harvard free classes) We’re all missing our families, and missing our old ways of life. It’ll be soon when we can get back to that. I’m a firm believer in that weather, brightness, sun, and energy can lift your spirits up. We all need that. SO, have your happy hour, have your picnic, have your cookout, try something new, play a sport, be outside, and have YOUR time.

As always, stay healthy, stay safe, and if possible stay home. I hope you all enjoy this weekend!

With all the love,


Pizza Time!

Hello to all of you lovely people! It’s Tuesday, and I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far. It’s 73 degrees outside, and sunny. It’s gorgeous weather. HOWEVER, I was outside talking to my mom on the phone for awhile, came inside and had a sneeze attack. Claritin is now becoming an everyday thing🙄 BUT… good time to write while that medicine just kicks right in!

When I think of pizza, I think of Friday. I think it may stem back to younger years, that carried on to now days. Growing up, I feel like Friday equalled PIZZA. Jake and I almost every Friday would either go out and dine at a pizza place, or have it delivered and watch a movie. It was the end of the week for both of us. Comfort food AND relaxation…need I say more? If I could recommend one pizza place, it’s Deweys. It’s amazing pizza and can’t wait to go there when this is all over! Look it up! Seriously, really good.

If you’re tired of frozen pizza like I am, read on.

As we all know, it’s not Friday. But, during these times, any day can be Friday. Any day could be Monday. Not for us all. Some of us still have a schedule. For those who don’t (or do, and want a really good dinner), I’m going to say you should make pizza tonight. If you’re wondering (you probably aren’t but it’s my time to brag) YES, the picture up above is an actual picture of the pizza we had on Saturday. It’s on the grill- you aren’t seeing things, promise.

On to the steps! It’s SO easy. It’s not only easy, there’s a ton of options for your pizza, and it is very friendly on the wallet. First you want to find Naan flatbread. I highly recommend getting garlic naan. The best I’ve had was at Trader Joe’s, but you can find it anywhere. We got ours this time at Hy-Vee. Once you have that, it’s time to make your masterpiece!

Pizza sauce. Buy it in a jar, or make your own. Whatever will be just fine. We chose to buy in a jar. Spread it on your flatbread. Grate your cheese. We used mozzarella. Go with whatever you want! Next, your toppings. We didn’t go to the store for any of ours, so we made do with what we had. We topped ours with mushrooms, spinach, and red onions. After that we just dashed some dried oregano and basil. Again, if you have some sausage, pepperoni, or any topping that you like on your pizza, THROW IT ON!

This is where the cooking decision comes in. Oven or grill? It’s up to you. I would 100 percent recommend the grill. You get a really great crispy crust, and that grill taste that you can’t replicate through the oven. With that said, oven cooking will absolutely be tasty, too. Literally, just do whatever is convenient!

This was a really short blog. I hope you read it as quickly as I did writting. Get out there and enjoy the sun, and hopefully make those pizzas!

I hope you are all healthy, safe, and if possible, HOME.

All the love,


The Game of Life.

Happy Sunday! I know, it’s like every other happy whatever day, BUT soon we will have a really happy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I’m excited for that! Until then, let’s just take time to focus on what needs to be focused on. That is, drum roll please… LIFE.

Covid-19. It’s scary, it’s dark, and it’s not something that lifts you up. To anyone going through it, or knows of anyone struggling through it- From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. You will get through it. You got it. Thank you again to the nurses and doctors and ALL frontline workers. You’re heros.

I’m going to make things up beat, and hopefully if you’re feeling even a little anxious, stressed, sad, mad, or WHATEVER you’re feeling…I hope I can bring some happiness to your day. It’s what this blog is all about. We all need a laugh, smile, something to make our heart feel happy.

Life- WHEW, that in a nutshell is a big word. Four letters but yet SO much meaning. We all have a different definition of life and what it means to us. That’s absolutely fine, and how it should be. No one is the same, thinks the same, acts the same, talks the same, looks the same, and believes the same- It makes the world go round! It makes us different in a really great way.

SO, if I were to be talking to life right now , I would ask what’s in my future, my family’s future, I would ask what exactly is in store for me. Am I going to be a millionaire? (wishful thinking!) …That’s me maybe three months ago. Now, LIFE is day by day. And that’s absolutely okay.

Yesterday Jake was in the attic and found the Game of LIFE. I don’t even remember when we bought it- that’s how long ago we played it. Yesterday was perfect weather so decided to play that game outside. It was SO fun! We played three rounds and each of them I earned over a million dollars- If only it was real life it would be REALLY COOL. Calming down…now. In this game you have a choice to go to college, you have a choice for a great career, you have chances to have children, to buy houses, you gain money, you lose money, you get fired. It’s all the things we face in real life. In the end of the game you have retirement. Every choice you made adds up. I like to think of that as our own lifes. This quarantine thing will tie into this blog, I promise, but not pinky promise. We’ll just see.

Life is unknown. Have you ever heard the phrase “That’s Life”? It’s becoming closer and closer to me than ever. I’m sure to you, too. Like the game LIFE, you roll the dice. (you actually spin but, for the sake of writing, it’s dice.)

Quarantine is not that bad. I know, many people are out of their job, some aren’t getting paid what they are used to, and some people are doing just fine. That is life. It’s not perfect, it’s sometimes horrible, it’s sometimes really great, it’s often uncertain, it’s confusing, it can be sad, it can be so happy. Life is SO many things. We are guaranteed to experience so many feelings and go through the best and worst. This whole thing is awful, but I would say it’s a learning lesson and maybe… just one of our best lessons in life.

When we get back to reality, and when we all are able to just be US and not have to worry about wiping everything down, and being 6 feet apart, getting back to hugging, saying hello without restrictions, and hugging goodbye…remember that time in life when you thought it was the worst? It will soon now be the best.

During this time, we have all learned to lean on our spouses, roommates, parents, OURSELVES, or whoever you may be with. We can lean on each other. Phone calls, Zoom, emails, you name it, in our world, you’ve got it.

Life is full of choices, and it’s certainly unknown. Roll with the punches, and go with the flow. I hope you all are healthy, safe, and at home. When this is over, just go with the game of LIFE.

With all the love,


Roll It and Eat It!

Photo by Kasumi Loffler on Pexels.com

Hi there!!! Hope everyone is doing fantastic and hanging in there! It’s been awhile since my last blog. It’s hard to come up with material when you’re daily activities for the past I don’t EVEN know long, have consisted mostly of being at home, walking, and driving around. I’ve mentioned in some other recent blog that because we’re all trying to stock up on groceries in hopes of not returning within at least a week, we’re grabbing easy stuff that doesn’t have a lot of ingredients. We’re also purchasing items that can be used in multiple dinners/lunches. I don’t know about you, but every trip requires a couple frozen pizzas…cause they’re tasty, easy, cheap, and in a pinch – they’re perfect. SO, there hasn’t been some cool recipe that I’ve been able to share. Dinners around here have all been yummy, but super simple- nothing crazy or out of the ordinary. However, on Tuesday… we made SUSHI!

I love sushi. I didn’t always though. My taste for it came somewhere in my early to mid- twenties. I believe it was my sister Maggie who introduced me to Hen House premade sushi that you can take to go and have a incredible light lunch or snack. Then after that, I stepped up to the big leagues and actually went to sushi restaurants 😎 However, I will say, I do not like any raw sushi, HAS to be cooked- I know I’m probably one of the few that feels that way. I get it!

So for this particular recipe, you’ll need roasted seaweed wrappers, white rice or brown rice. (we used cauliflower rice. You can buy frozen, or just blend up a fresh cauliflower), avocado, cream cheese, and cucumber. In this recipe we don’t use any seafood, but you can add crab, shrimp, salmon- all would be awesome! This is just easy peasy.

A couple side notes before we get started- You’ll need a bamboo mat to pack everything together. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, at the end of this blog, I’ll post a picture of the mat, and the seaweed package.) Another tidbit, you’ll want to make sure your cream cheese is packaged in a block, not in a container. One more thing- make sure it’s cold and not at room temperature.

On to the steps, Chefs!

1.) Let’s get started with the rice. If you’re using white rice, just follow the steps on the box. Once done place it in the refrigerator. You want it to be nice and cold. You could even put it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes and then transfer because the following steps don’t take that long. If you’re using bagged cauliflower, follow the instructions on the bag. Once done, let cool, and make sure it’s nice and dry. (sometimes when it’s frozen it can release a lot of water.) Finally – fresh cauliflower. Cut it up into smaller pieces and throw it into a blender. Blend until you achieve rice consistency.

2.) Get your knives out ladies and gents! First things first, peel your cucumber. The skin can be bitter, so it’s best to get rid of it. After that is done, slice the cucumber in half horizontally so it looks like two boats. With a spoon, scrape out the all the seeds. Once those steps are done you are ready to cut. Cut your “boats” both in half vertically so that you have four cucumber boats now. Next cut them into matchstick size pieces (When I say matchstick, I mean thin- because if I actually meant matchstick size, we would be in the kitchen for hours and hours.) Set your cucumber sticks aside on a plate or cutting board. Depending on how many people you’re making sushi for, that will determine how many cucumbers you will need. For the two of us, we used two medium cucumbers. We had quite a bit of sushi leftover that we both had for lunch the next day. Score!

2.) Cream cheese time. The reason why I said buy the block is because you will be cutting the cream cheese into strips. The reason you want it cold- It cuts MUCH easier and doesn’t fall apart. Cut as many strips as you think you have of the cucumber. You can really eyeball it. Now, if you don’t use ALL of the cucumber strips, or ALL of the cream cheese don’t throw it away! Save the cheese for a different day for maybe a bagel, OR dip the leftover cucumber sticks into it. Set your strips of cream cheese aside.

3.) Now it’s time for the avocado. It’s basically just the same thing we did with the cream cheese. Peel the outside part, remove the pit, and cut the avocados into strips. Don’t worry about some falling apart, you can still use it. I would recommend using two avocados if you’re cooking for two. Set aside!

4.) Almost done! It’s time to roll. Lay your bamboo mat on a flat surface like your kitchen counter or table. Lay a sheet of seaweed on top of it. Start spooning your rice on to that. You’ll want to cover all of it. Then you start organizing all your knife work masterpieces. Cucumber, cream cheese, avocado. Repeat until you get to the end. Now you’re going to start the rolling. You want to make tight rolls so that it all sticks together nicely. Take your time! Once you’re all done with making your rolls (you will end up with multiple rolls), this next step is optional but recommended. Put the rolls in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. To me – and this could totally be in my imagination, it makes the rolls easier to cut and makes every part of the roll just marry each other.

5.) Cut the rolls up how thick or thin you like your sushi. We usually do around an inch. Your call! Your sushi is done, now what? EAT!

This recipe might seem like a lot of work, but it really is easy steps. It’s something different, and once it’s all done… it’s really worth it! Below are the pictures of the bamboo mat and the seaweed package. Both items were found at local grocery stores, no where fancy.

That’s it, folks! Hope you like it if you try it, and have a good rest of your Thursday! Hope you’re staying healthy, safe, and home.

With love,


Dogs During Quarantine.

Happy Sunday! The weather is JUST as nice as yesterday. I hope you’re enjoying it, and taking advantage of it. If you’re somewhere that might be rainy, or might be chilly… watch some movies (scroll below for some really great ones), cuddle up, and take advantage of being cozy. I LOVE those days, too! Last post was about yard work. I did it again this afternoon. Am I becoming a pro? No! But I will give my own self a pat on the back. I saw a lot of worms, and even a toad. I like toads and frogs. They’re cute. However, when you see something hop or move when you are knee deep into a project and inches away, you run and you scream. It IS understandable, I think- even IF you scare the heck out of your yard work partner. Jake, I’m sorry.

Topic of today- dogs under quarantine with you. We have three dogs. Benny being the oldest, then Daphne, then Ollie. They each have their own personality. Benny is SUPER calm, and really likes his own space. When we all go on walks, he’s the fastest, and truly enjoys our walks the most. He loves having both of us at home, but there are times when we find him just walking off and being by himself. (You do you, Benji.) We have Daphne who loves being outside. She loves to be on our deck and be right in the sun. I believe she thinks of our two small dogs as her babies, which is really, really sweet. She’s a good girl. Lastly, we have our Ollie. He’s the one pictured above on the I Love Lucy DVD’s. That’s the Oll’s we know and love. He is the sweetest, most kind dog you can meet. I call him a running heart! All of our doggies are wonderful- we love them equally and they put a really big smile on our faces, and gives us a laugh everyday. They’re so silly!

I’m going to talk about Ollie on this specific blog post. Why? I’ll tell you exactly why. We do not have kids, and on Friday, I felt like I had a toddler running around the house. Who was the toddler? Oliver. (That is what he is called when he is being crazy.) Jake was out of the house for about four hours. During this whole time, since mid March, we all have been at home together. Four hours is probably the most his dad has been out. Blame his behavior on that? I do not know but, Ollie was a handful and that is what I DO know.

Starting our morning out- our other little boy (Benny) started a fight with him because he was just that rebucus. Like I said, Benny is calm. For him to get upset, well, you know it’s pretty bad. Ollie started barking for no specific reason. Looking at nothing and barking. I couldn’t let him out a lot because it was rainy and wet. Maybe that was it? I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Jake put all of their toys in the basket that we keep for them. Ollie decided within minutes to take his toys out and put each and everyone of them on our couch. Oliver… no.

All of our dogs (or any other pet you may have) I’m sure LOVE this. They love their parents hopefully being at home. Doggie parents- like us, may just be seeing a different side to their little fluff balls. (Ollie I’m talking about you.)

At the end of the day, no matter how your little boy or girl might act, you still love them all the same AND relate to them. I’ve had my bad days so why can’t they? Especially during this time! We’re probably just as confused as they are.

I will say, they can give you a laugh, and you can also give them some comfort. They need it. If you have any funny animal stories, share it!

AS ALWAYS… stay healthy, stay safe, and if possible stay at home. Possibly with your crazy animals 😉

All the love,


Yard Work. Whoop Whoop!

Hello to you! I’m hoping you’re having an awesome Saturday wherever you are! If you are by me (Prairie Village, Kansas)… it’s so beautiful out! The sun is shining, and it’s 64 degrees! Right now I took a little break from being outside because I wanted to write this. Also, because my allergies are INSANE and I need a few minutes to sneeze at least 20 times and let that medicine kick in!

SO, before all shenanigans happened, Jake did all of the yard work. I might have been out there reading, sun tanning, or simply doing nothing. Until today! Exclamation mark might have not been needed because I’m really not sure if that is something to be proud of. (Eek) Anyways, today was the day that I decided to help out (He probably didn’t need or want my help, but… wife mode. OR quarantine mode, whichever. ) I’m bored, I have nothing better to do, I am looking for health for my mind, and I have nowhere to go… so why the heck not?! Also, it’s pretty fun and funny to be working on tasks with the hubs. I asked Jake what I can help with. The answer will hopefully make you laugh like I did when he said it. “Pick up sticks from our front yard.” Um, okay? (yes, those two words may have been said out loud or in my own mind.) I got out of my PJ’s, ready to go. I picked up actually a LOT of sticks. I wish I had the picture to show you just how many sticks I did pick up. It filled a whole trash can. The one that you take out once a week for garbage workers to dispose of. We live somewhere where we have huge trees in back and in the front so with that being said, there was a lot of work to be done. Big bonus, tonight we’ll use those sticks for a bonfire in our backyard. WHOOP!

My next job consisted of using an air blower to blow the grass. Yes you did read correctly! Apparently, it’s good to do for fertilizing, and it helps for grass seed reasons. That, or Jake just made up some job for me to do?! I did that for quite a while and it actually was fun and I used my arm muscles- Workout, DONE. It’s amazing what I find fun these days… I’m sure you could agree with that statement! If you find fun in ANYTHING that involves you being home, yes, yes, and yes.

Little fun fact. We took a break to take our doggies out for a stroll. We went into a different neighborhood and crossed Nall. If you don’t know that street, it’s busy. I want to mention, I RAN across with two dogs that are under 15 pounds. Jake casually walked with a dog that is at least 70 pounds. Speed limit is 35 and cars were coming. I YIYI. We’re alive. It’s okay, and we are moving on.

Closing it up because well, I’m going back to work (yard work). I can tell you it takes your mind off of EVERYTHING. It’s so nice to be in the sun, to be working on something that requires your brain, body, and to be outside of your house. When it’s all said and done, and when we’re past all of this, and your yard looks AMAZING… you can look back. Even smile when you know that during that time, one of the worst times, YOU made lemonade out of lemons.

I hope that you are healthy, safe, and if possible at home. – and doing yard work 😉

All the love,


Tiger King Hype

Photo by Sayantan Kundu on Pexels.com

Good afternoon! Hope you’re doing well, and staying happy. I’m reading a really good book on my kindle that’s called “The Good Mother”. It’s a thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you can, check it out. Read it, and let me know what you think. Speaking about being on the edge of your seat – Tiger King. We’ll get to that soon. The weather here is again, rainy and gloomy BUT tomorrow we’re back to business. It’s supposed to be sunny and in the 60’s- Woohoo!!!

Tiger King is a Netflix documentary that follows a man named Joe Exoctic. (First and foremost, WHO would want to go by that name. I’ll never understand) He opened a place for tigers to live. They all are in cages, of course. He ran it like a zoo. If you watched any of it, you will know, it is the strangest thing you can possibly watch. It’s intriguing because of all the personalities, the fact that people are engaging with an animal that can kill you within seconds, AND the weirdness of it all that most of us never will encounter in our lifetime (Thank GOD). The people that star in it are unique (for lack of a better word.) I watched all 7 episodes, and the 8th one which was hosted by Joel Mchale interviewing the main characters. What a wild ride.

If you have yet to watch this series or gave up on it (I was 2 seconds away from that, by the way), you know that there is always two sides to every story. I don’t want to give much away because you might be reading this and have NO clue what I’m talking about and might watch. I do believe Carol killed her husband. She’s a nut ball (is that even a thing to call someone?) Moving on, Joe was crazy- bottom line. The 8th episode that just came out last Sunday that I mentioned previously, you get a little more knowledge on what really went on behind the scenes. He drove his employees nuts. They worked SO many hours with little to no pay, and from what it sounds like, he was SUCH a jerk. Not only as a boss, but as a human. He did inhumane things to those poor tigers and cubs. I could write about what he did, but for the sake of keeping this as light as possible I’m not. Animal cruelty is horrible. Animals have no voice, and can’t stand up to the abuse. I have no tolerance for it and absolutely do not condone it.

If you have Tik Tok or know of the Tik Tok app, you’ve probably seen the dance that was originally from the song “Savage” by Megan Thee Stallion. Yes, I have learned the dance. It’s pretty fun to do while you are at home doing nothing! Back to the point- “Savage” was turned into a Tiger King dance by changing the lyrics. It’s entertaining to say the least. It also will probably be stuck in my head the rest of the day! As I type it’s ringing in my ears. (ANNNOOYYYING). Watch it here, if you dare. It actually IS funny and I do recommend checking it out.

So, in conclusion there IS a hype about Tiger King. We sometimes like to watch something that is so foreign to us, and that makes us look really, REALLY, extremely normal. There is a lot circulating around this documentary. Gives us something to talk about, right?

We all have so many opinions on the whole scenario. If you want a laugh, watch Joe Exotics music videos 🤣 Disclosure- It’s not his real voice. It’s COMICAL. Like laugh out loud comical. Not exaggerating even slightly.

Watch it, or don’t. Read about it, or don’t. But it is in fact, a very interesting story.

Leaving you with that! As always, stay healthy, stay safe, and if possible stay home.

With all the love,


Finding YOU.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Pexels.com

HEY! Quarantine day number WHO KNOWS. Writing two blogs in one day? Yep, why not? Juices are flowing, mind is working, and I’m grateful for that. I hope you all are doing well. This might be short, might be long… again, who knows?! Some of us have all the time in the world these days. Flipside, some like our frontline workers do not. Thank you for your services. You will never know how much everyone appreciates you during these crucial times. I know that we should not be complaining about our free time whatsoever. I’m making light to those that might be temporarily unemployed, not earning what they normally would, or completely laid off. My heart goes out to all scenarios.

It’s always good to find something that is good through the bad. I’ve always tried to train my mind to thinking like that. For example, things are awful BUT here’s what can come out of it. So let’s take this situation right now. Covid-19. I hate even typing it that’s how much I hate this virus. However, if I kept my train of thought of just pure hatred my whole world would be dark. Instead, let’s talk some positives that can come out of it. If any of your loved ones have been a victim of it, I’m sorry, and I know it probably is not easy to see any good- and I understand! I’m praying for you. You aren’t alone. For those that aren’t currently affected by it and might be at home, here’s my thoughts.

While we are at home or don’t have much to do, we might just find new talents. Whether it’s dancing, singing, knitting, cooking, decorating, or in my case, writing. Sometimes we find our talents when it’s least expected. The definition of talent is “Natural, aptitude, or skill.” Now, we might not be the definition of that, but in our own ways, you could learn to just be happy with what YOU think is talent. The world is your oyster and of all times, this is the time to maybe find your pearl. (Oyster, pearl…get it?) Don’t worry if you didn’t get it- I really just ran with it so there is that.

Point of this whole blog is, now is the time to find you. Of course everyday is a good day to find you, but now more than ever. You may even want to become a nurse or doctor during all of this. You might have an urge to help others. To those to have time, think about what you might have been wanting to do and are really interested in. Practice it and research it.

I found I love to write through all of this. I love to share stories, and reach out to people whatever the topic might be. I know when I read, I relate, and I disagree. That’s how the world turns and I like that!

Finding what you love, and doing it possibly everyday, or even as just a hobby… could potentially be SUCH a great feeling.

I hope you find you, if you haven’t already! Hey, you got this.

I also hope you are healthy, safe, and if possible at home.

With love,


Popcorn, Popcorn, Get Your Popcorn!

Good afternoon!!! Hope you’re feeling good! Where I am at, we’re expecting rain within the next couple of hours. Sun and 70’s would be ideal, but, wasn’t in the plans. So, I decided to think of movies that I LOVE and can make me laugh/take my mind off of things. When it’s raining, what else is there to do besides watch movies, snuggle under your favorite blanket, and veg out! Make some popcorn, get yourself a bowl of chips, treat yourself to some ice cream. Sit back and relax.

I don’t know about you, but during these times especially, I like to watch funny movies. Ones that can literally make me laugh out loud. Those are always fun. I’ve put together 5 movies that are a go to for me and who knows, after this, I might just watch one or all 5 (let’s hope I have more things to do than watch five movies but who knows?!) Here we go…

1.) Bridesmaids- OMG. I could watch this movie every day. Partially because if you’ve been reading along, you know I adore Kristen Wiig. Aside from her, from start to finish, the movie is hilarious. If you don’t even crack a smile- well, nope. You’re an alien. (I’m kidding). Anyways, the cast is incredible. When you see or hear the title you may think it’s a chick flick but it is absolutely not! Jake and I just watched it 5 or 6 days ago. Get your guy friend, boyfriend, or husband and watch it. Pinky promise, you’ll laugh and will not be disappointed.

2.) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off- This is an 80’s classic. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Some can even relate to the storyline of skipping school and faking sick. (We’ve all been there, don’t deny it). However while our days of staying home consisted of probably just relaxing, watching our favorite shows, and taking naps… this guy’s plans were HUGE. I won’t go into much because if you do decide to watch, I don’t want to spoil anything. But let me tell you, Matthew Broderick who plays Ferris, is awesome and I’d totally ditch school with him.

3.) Planes, Trains, and Automobiles- Another knee-slapping 80’s movie that features Steve Martin and John Candy. It’s actually what you think it’s about. Travel and the craziness that can come out of it. The people you may meet that sometimes become friends (or people you can’t stand). It will for sure give you a laugh and you might even relate to it if you’re one of those people that travel often.

4.) Daddy’s Home 1&2- This could technically be listed in a holiday type movie, but even though it’s April, I would still watch it. I think both Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell are such talented and brilliant actors. This is another movie that is so relatable. I love those kinds! It’s witty, engaging, and humorous.

5.) Instant Family- OK, so this is one that is both funny, but also very heartwarming. We need that now, right? I will say, you might shed a tear or two. My husband did when we saw it in theaters. Those tears are happy ones but if they are sad ones, they’ll turn happy, I guarantee it. It’s about family and all the things that we families go through. It’s about acceptance, trust, good/bad times and keeping the love through it all. If you have kids, thinking about having kids, or adopting… you might just find yourself thinking you could be in that movie. Auditions for Instant Family 2? You never know, practice those acting skills!

Those are the top 5 movies I enjoy as an adult and could watch over and over. I do know that kids are at home and need some movies, too. Toy Story (every single one of them), Trolls (the second one was SO good, I actually liked it better than the first). Bonus, Trolls has REALLY good music that makes you want to get up and dance! Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick rocked it. That’s my top two. They both bring such great messages that even adults need. And yes- even if you don’t have children, they’re feel good movies, too.

With that, watch on. Let me know what you think!

As always, stay healthy, stay safe, and if possible, stay home.

All the love,
