The Journey Begins

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

― Sylvia Plath

Hey there! I’m Abby and I am under stay at home orders due to Covid-19. I am 30 years old. I want to put out the most positive we can get from this, but before we get to that there needs to be a few things said.  I feel deeply sad for anyone going through the virus,people that are scared, people that are suffering from mental health during this. I am one of those people that fall into that category. I am feeling sad for people that can not get help due to the lack of supplies we currently have,people without jobs or fears for their future, people that do not have health insurance, and loved ones that can not see each other through this social distancing. I know I am missing a lot of others but just know, because I am not mentioning it, does not mean you have not crossed my mind. THANK YOU to all of our healthcare workers, a million times, thank you. You all are superheros in every sense of that meaning. From putting in long hours, to helping the sick, to risking your own health for the sake of us. Your work will never go unnoticed. 

For the people out there that are struggling to find hope or happiness during this time, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It may be hard to believe at times, but there will be. We are all in this together and we WILL get through this. I know that we hear that all the time, but you have to believe it. We will get through this. Say it 100 times over if you have to.

Let’s get to the positives that we can take from this! Enough of this mushy stuff 😉

1) We have the most advanced technology. We have doctors, nurses, scientists and many more that are currently on this. When I say this, I mean they are attacking it. Will continue to attack it even when we go back to our day to day lives. 

2) During this time,we get the chance to be at home with the people we love. Home is our sanctuary. Children that can no longer attend school, are able to be with their mom and dad, sisters and or brothers. As a person that works in childcare I can say that a lot of children are scared, confused, and do not know what to make of any of this. Although it may be a burden for some families and I empathize for those, we are together. At the end of the day, a normal day, a really good day, or a horrible day, who do you want to see and talk to the most? Your family. Although it may be hard to see some light in this, remember, they are your world.

3) Staying home is a great way to get those tasks done that when you’re working full time, you can’t do or put off. Lets get those done! Paint job, laundry that is just piling up (my current situation), reorganizing, redecorating, gardening, deep cleaning, the list can go on and on. When this is all over, you might just WANT to stay at your very impressive home! 😉 

4) We are learning how to be creative! We are cooking, we are using our minds on how to stay active. We are learning to do things that we should have known a long time ago.

There are probably a million more positives that I can come up with but those are for now, helping me, and I hope it helps anyone reading. 

What I personally have taken from this is many things. Good and bad. I don’t know one person that can be 100 percent positive, and if there is, I would LOVE to meet you!! (or talk, seeing as, well…  self distincancing) 

The good- I am much more appreciative of things I once took for granted. I can not wait for the day when my whole family can gather and not talk through doors. I will hug each and every one of them and say those three words that some have a hard time with and that is, “I love you”. The day will come, and I am anxiously awaiting it. 

The good- Spending time with your partner. You learn more and more about them when locked in with them non stop (no this is fully not positive for anyone that is married, but we’re together through the good and the bad, right?!) You lean on your husband, or your wife, for support and comfort. During this time, more and more of that is being shown. You realize why you chose to spend the rest of your life with that certain someone. 

The good- The color blue makes me happy hence this font color is blue. Most of my house is blue, but you find out very quickly what makes you happy and or what has made you happy but you overlooked it because life happened. It is the smallest of things. Blue! I have found out that I really love writing. You find out more about yourself when you are alone with your thoughts and when the world is not in the palm of your hands. 

The good- Our furry friends who are just LOVING their parents being home. We are making their days. That alone should put a least a little smile on your face. 

The bad- which I can probably say in one paragraph. 

We are scared. We are wanting this to go away and have no exact time to tell when this will be over. We wish we did. Jobs are being taken away, and people are getting sick. There is no getting around that. There is no sugar coating either. There is nothing I can say to make that positive. The only thing that I can say is that to everyone, we will see the light. There is good and bad in everything in life. I trust we will prevail. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home. 

The next time you see your family and friends in person, in a normal gathering, hug them hard. This virus has shown us what losing someone could look like. Say encouraging words, be kind, be fair, be thoughtful, be understanding, be loving, and most of all be you. Be you in all senses and love each other for being themselves. This virus will NOT take over us. Prayers and thoughts go to each and everyone. So much love.



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